Pleasanton, CA— December 6, 2016 — NextHome is proud to announce our newest location for the franchise, NextHome Partners. The firm will represent the third location in the state of Wisconsin.
The brokerage will be operated by four business partners who will specialize in different roles for the company – Brian Hanson (Operations), Nate Weidman (Community Relations), Brian Slinkman (Managing Broker), and Keith Wilkes (Marketing).
Located two hours north of Madison, the Wisconsin Rapids-based brokerage will service the needs of residents in the cities of Wisconsin Rapids, Nekoosa, Port Edwards, Vesper, Rudolph and Wood, Portage and Adams counties.
NextHome Partners will focus on residential resale, commercial sales and leasing, land sales, investment acquisitions, and waterfront properties.
The four partners know each other through working more than a decade in the local Wisconsin Rapids real estate market. Slinkman, Weidman, and Wilkes all worked for a statewide independent brokerage, First Weber. Hanson worked for a local nationally franchised brokerage. In their many years working the same market, a mutual respect formed and they often worked together in various transactions.
While each were successful in their own right, the four of them always talked about running their own brokerage one day. In early 2016, the four decided it was time to make the thought a reality.
Slinkman, Weidman, and Wilkes knew they were interested in working with each other, but a lunch meeting with Hanson confirmed his interest in being a part of this new brokerage as well.
“We had every intention of opening and starting our own brokerage,” recalls Wilkes. “But we were pretty sure we were going to be independent and not affiliated with any franchise.”
“As we began looking for what would be needed to create a world-class service brokerage, we saw the need to add the technology to help us with web presence and streamlining our business,” added Weidman.
As the partners began their search for a potential real estate franchise to affiliate with, they noticed that all the franchises seemed to be the same and offer similar services.
“The four of us are coming from the top two offices in our market,” said Hanson. “It’s important that we offer a level of service and technology agents in our area have never gotten before.”
Oddly enough, the introduction to NextHome did not come through regular research. Wilkes was introduced to the brand through an unlikely source.
“I take interest in several national real estate trainers and speakers,” said Wilkes. “A very successful franchised brokerage owner happens to be one of the most well-known speakers on the real estate circuit. When I asked her if I should look at her company, she said I would be better off checking out a company called NextHome.”
“We have created a Mission and Vision statement that embodies how we believe clients should be treated and how we believe business should be run,” said Wilkes. “It’s starts with NextHome Partners seeking to become the most trusted and successful real estate company in the Wisconsin Rapids area, through the combined efforts of top producing agents that are each committed to the pursuit of excellence in every customer interaction and transaction.”
“Knowing how we want our brokerage to be run, it’s so important to us to be aligned with a franchise that believes in the same expectations,” said Slinkman. “NextHome aligns perfectly with what we were looking for in a real estate franchise.”
The four partners pride themselves on growing the company with smart, hard-working agents who will represent the company through their commitment to the mission and vision of NextHome Partners.
“Our success will ultimately come down to our people. We are building this office on a very strict set of standards that EVERY agent is required to live by,” said Wilkes. “It’s upholding those standards with our agents that will allow us to uphold standards with our clients.”
Please join us in congratulating Brian, Keith, Brian, Nate and the rest of the team at NextHome Partners on their brand new NextHome office!
Interested in being a part of the NextHome Real Estate Franchise? Contact VP of Sales Charis Moreno at Charis@NextHome.com.
Each office is an independently owned and operated business.