Pleasanton, CA — November 1, 2017 — NextHome is proud to announce our newest addition to the franchise, NextHome Rocky Mountain Realty & Rentals (Branch location). This new brokerage is the second location opened by NextHome Rocky Mountain Realty & Rentals.
The office represents the ninth franchise location opened by the NextHome franchise in the state of Colorado.
The Pagosa Springs-based brokerage will be owned and operated by Britney Chaisson and her husband/business partner, Rick Riojas. The company will provide residential real estate services to the counties of Archuleta, La Plata, Mineral, Rio Grande, Alamosa, Conejos, and Costilla.
The town of Pagosa Springs is located 45 minutes west of the city of Durango and is home to approximately 2,000 residents.
After opening their first NextHome brokerage one year ago, Chaisson and Riojas found it was the right time to open a second location in downtown Pagosa Springs.
“We saw tremendous growth of our business in our first year as NextHome Rocky Mountain Realty & Rentals,” said Riojas. “So much so, that our brokerage tripled in size from when we started. By the end of November 2017, I fully expect to see us at 10-12 agents.”
Riojas spotlights Chaisson’s relationship-building approach to being the main reason for the company’s success.
“I’m so proud of how Britney has created an environment of support for our agents and for our community,” said Riojas. “With more than 50 homes sold in the past 12 months, our brokerage has been gaining market share and I know our culture is one of the driving forces of that growth.”
Originally from Orange County, California, Chaisson has been in the real estate industry for nearly 20 years – primarily on the mortgage side.
Starting her career with Ditech Mortgage in 1996. Chaisson worked for the company for four years before moving to Countrywide Mortgage. During her years with Countrywide, she was promoted to Assistant Vice President of the Processing Department, overseeing the national processing of loans.
“While I enjoyed my time as an executive, the schedule required was something I wasn’t interested in doing,” said Chaisson. “It allowed Rick and I to consider our options. We felt it was the right time to relocate and start our own business.”
In 2003, the couple moved to Riverside, CA where they opened their own company, Home Quarters. The company provided services such as mobile notary and broker processing of loans. In four years, they were able to grow a successful and thriving business.
Until the downturn happened.
In 2007, the nation experienced one of the largest financial freefalls in United States history. Home Quarters was one of the business casualties during the recession.
With the financial crisis in full swing nationally, the couple re-grouped and relocated once again. Now parents of a daughter, Trinity, the couple decided to move to Colorado in 2011 to live in an area that made sense for their family.
Riojas began working for Wyndham Resorts where he helped sell resort properties for vacationers of Colorado. With her husband working in the vacation market of real estate, Chaisson got her real estate license and began working with a local, top producing real estate agent.
“I worked alongside one of the top agents in our market for three years,” recalls Chaisson. “I was able to learn so much about not only resale properties, but distressed properties as well. When it was time for her to retire, I felt very confident to go out on my own.”
Seeing an opportunity to run a brokerage, Chaisson looked for a franchise partner that would take her business to the next level.
“I spent quite a bit of time researching franchise models,” said Chaisson. “Once I went to NextHome.com and saw all the tools and systems provided by the franchise, as well as the look and feel of the brand, I was 100% certain about affiliating with the company.”
When not working, Chaisson and Riojas enjoy the natural wonders of Colorado. Taking advantage of the six lakes in the Pagosa Springs area, they love to go tubing and fishing with their daughter. An accomplished musician, you’ll find Riojas playing alongside his band members when he isn’t selling real estate.
Please join us in congratulating Britney, Rick, and the rest of the team at NextHome Rocky Mountain Realty & Rentals on their new NextHome location!
Interested in being a part of the NextHome Real Estate Franchise? Contact VP of Sales Charis Moreno at Charis@NextHome.com.
Each office is an independently owned and operated business.