“I love New Years for so many reasons, but mostly because it becomes a new starting point and makes you feel like you can hit the ‘reset’ button and start over to create a new beginning! It allows us to reflect on all the pain, failure, and loss but it also gives the opportunity to recognize that we survived and are stronger than we were before. It can also allow you to put into perspective what truly matters and not to dwell on the things you cannot change while reaffirming that those failures and losses really do not define you or your future. If you are lucky enough to have another year, then you have an opportunity to refocus and conquer new goals, see new places, make new connections, and appreciate what you already have achieved no matter how big or small!
Looking back on my 2018 resolutions I am proud of what I have accomplished and as I look towards 2019 my resolutions remain similarly focused:
- Continue to keep my family in first position. If I have learned anything this year, it is that what doesn’t get done today will still be there tomorrow.
- Minimizing the noise in my life and learning to slow down a bit and enjoy the quiet and calmness of what life can bring.
- Reading more! I love to read, but I do not allow myself to take the time. This year, I will calendar it and hold myself accountable.
- Run my first marathon since 2013. That was the year that ended my ability to run. It is time to get back on the road and in the hills to give me the escape that I so desperately miss.
2018 will end as one of the hardest years filled with much loss, devastation, and for many – total loss. This year I learned how to ask for help, lean on others more, and appreciate the power of friendship. It is important to never forget those no longer with us and be there for those who are rebuilding and learning to cope with the ugly parts life throws our way. I have been reminded that Faith, Friendship, and Love are the true ingredients of life and no amount of money or things can provide you the happiness you seek.
Happy New Year to you and yours and remember this… No matter how different we are or how different our views are we all have the freedom to be happy, to show respect, and know that our differences are what makes our world such a beautiful and wonderful place to be a part of! Cheers to an amazing 2019 because what comes NEXT is up to you to decide!”
~ Charis Moreno
Vice President of Sales, NextHome

“2018 was a year for the books! Getting married… New role within the company… and all those press releases that I wrote. Whew!
Seeing the growth of this company I love has been such a wonderful journey. Every day, I feel like I’m doing work with purpose. Professionally, I’m looking to give my heart and soul into this company and having it not only grow in numbers and in sales but to make NextHome a household name that will be well known all over the country. I plan on ramping up my speaking career once again after purposely taking the past 18 months to be off stage.
Personally, I plan on enjoying my newlywed status and being the very best husband I can be. I also plan on taking time to enjoy personal hobbies such as tournament poker and sports memorabilia.
2019 is going to be a great year!”
~ Imran Poladi
Vice President, NextHome

“2019 for me will be less about resolutions and more about developing habits. 14% of people who have a heart attack have no significant change around diet and exercise one year later. They almost died and that wasn’t enough to get them to change their behavior. Cliff Notes – resolutions, goals, change is really hard and takes tremendous focus. I am going to keep it really simple this year.
Professional Resolution: I want to launch a Professional Development Mastermind in my local community for any/all entrepreneurs and business owners. It’s a way I can give back, be inspired and develop deeper friendships.
Personal: I have a favorite hoodie in my closet. I want that hoodie to fit again by the end of 2019.”
~ Keith Robinson
Chief Strategy Officer, NextHome

“To summarize my biggest accomplishment of 2018, I’ll leave you with a quote:
‘Let go of who you think you are supposed to be. Embrace who you are.’ – Brene Brown
2018 was a year filled with growth. I practiced being more like me and less like everyone else. With this, I learned a lot about myself that surprised me. I am somebody who stands up for what I believe is right, even when it’s unpopular. I am somebody who gives 110% effort in everything I do, even in tasks I dislike. I am somebody who can be pushed to her limits and not only survive, but thrive. My intentions are good and I lead with my heart in all that I do. When you allow your true self to be, you let the light shine, and that’s exactly what 2018 taught me.
In 2019, I will allow myself to hit a goal. In 2018, every time I came close to achieving a goal, I’d move the target and start focusing on what’s next instead of allowing myself to celebrate and be proud of the accomplishment. Productive? Yes. Exhausting? Absolutely. This year, I will not move my targets. I will set goals, achieve them, celebrate them, and then set a new goal to work towards. 2019 will bring lots of new habits, smiles, and even a new last name! I look forward to updating my signature line to Amanda Martin in 2019!”
~ Amanda Cowles
Franchise Development Coordinator, NextHome

“At the end of every year, I like to look back on all my fun memories and think of the hardships I had to overcome which just reminds me how strong I truly am. 2018 was the year of lessons and mending important relationships. I learned to move on and see the happy side of things and put more focus on those who deserve my time. I learned more about myself in 2018 and realized what should remain in my life and what needed to be cut out. I focused more on work and family and the success in both shows.
NextHome hasn’t stopped growing nationwide as well as in-house. We have an amazing, dedicated, hard-working team that keeps getting more pretty faces added to it. We become more and more successful as the days go by and I just love sitting back and watching it all unfold. We all have had our own individual ways of helping this company grow and I can honestly say that I love my work family. I have never been able to say that about any job I’ve ever had. NextHome is different and I look forward to coming to ‘work’ every day. I can’t wait to see how 2019 treats us and see how fun our conference will be for our members.
As for the personal side of things, I plan on spending an abundance of my time with family. After not being able to see my 14-year-old brother and sister for almost three years, they are finally back in my life and we are closer than we ever were. I plan on making up for lost time with them and being the best big sister I can be to my three brothers and one sister. I plan on continuing to be there for my boyfriend, Joseph and his sister, Amelia. Joseph and I will be celebrating our three-year anniversary this month and I thank my lucky stars every day we walked into each other’s lives when we did. His family and my family are so close and I couldn’t have asked for a better support system. 2019 will be the best year yet. I can already feel it. I have everything I need. A big beautiful family, a nice, safe home, my health, my gorgeous kitty cat, a wonderful, loving relationship with the love of my life, and my second home at work. I can’t wait to see what is in store for me and my family. Whatever it may be, I know I can handle it. 2019 hit me with your best shot!”
~ Lauren Jarvis
Member Services Administrator, NextHome

“My goals for 2019 are to continue on my path of Fitness and Healthy Living, I would like to increase the amount of weight that I can lift and continue to build upon the progress I have made over the last few years. I also hope to spend more time volunteering for my favorite non-profit organization, The Taylor Family Foundation, which helps to fund camps for children with life-threatening or life-altering diseases or conditions. I will also be more diligent about donating blood on a regular basis.”
~ Sabrina Arnold
Member Services Administrator, NextHome

“The New Year to me is a time of reflection and an opportunity to start fresh. 2018 was a year full of adventure for my family. My youngest son, Adan, started his first year in high school and was selected to play point guard for the Lodi basketball team. (Go Flames!) My oldest son, Ruben, turned 21 this year (Eeeek!) and has continued to improve on his craft as a barber. For my birthday, I hiked Cataract Falls, one of the toughest and most beautiful trails I have ever seen, full of lush greenery and whimsical waterfalls. We went zip-lining through some redwoods and even kayaked Monterey Bay with the sea otters. In August, we added a Siberian Husky to our family (named Gypsie Moon) and boy, has she been the cutest handful. Then at the end of the year, I completely switched directions in my career and joined the corporate team at NextHome which has proven to be my best decision of 2018.
In 2019, it is my intention to continue to focus on living with an attitude of gratitude and being present in the moment. I cherish the time spent with my family and friends and hope to make the most of every opportunity I have with them. I’m looking forward to building relationships with all of my new NextHome family and continue to grow professionally. I’m also excited for new adventures, trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone. Oh, and I definitely can’t forget to mention all the food and wine I plan on consuming. Nothing brings me joy like a nice glass of wine and a delicious meal. Cheers to a year full of peace, love, good health and happiness!”
~ Alecia Alvarez
Contract Administrator