Pleasanton, CA — October 8, 2019 — NextHome is proud to announce the latest addition to the franchise, NextHome Inclusive Realty in Ventura, California. The brokerage will represent the 70th NextHome franchised location opened in the state of California. NextHome Inclusive Realty will serve clients across Ventura County, including the cities of Oxnard, Ventura, and Camarillo.
The NextHome Inclusive Realty team will be led by Charles Olaleye, who approaches his business with a passion for helping all types of home buyers.
“There are a lot of agents who are only interested in working with homebuyers who have a pre-approval in hand and the leg work is already done,” Charles said. “I want to take an interest in the whole process and help people through all phases of homeownership.”
Charles was born and raised in Nigeria and, after some time in London, settled in Maryland in 2002. Charles began a career as a credit counselor, then became a banker.
“I’ve always loved helping people learn how they can financially achieve homeownership and what’s possible for them,” Charles said.
Coming from a country where buying or renting a home was usually a cash transaction, Charles learned through experience the necessity of good, long-standing credit as a U.S. homebuyer and the roadblocks that immigrants, especially, can run into.
“I lived that experience first-hand,” Charles said. “A lot of the help with coaching and credit and education that I provide my clients wasn’t available for me. Agents wanted to only work with ready buyers and I was once that guy who wasn’t ready.”
Eventually, Charles found himself working as a licensed home inspector in Lanham, Maryland. One of the broker/agents Charles worked with was so impressed with the way he interacted with new homebuyers that he asked if Charles would consider getting his real estate license and coming to work for the brokerage.
“The broker approached me one day and said he loved the way I help the homeowners and asked if I might consider helping people with the preparing and purchasing of their home versus just making sure their investment was sound,” Charles said.
In 2006, Charles began working as a real estate agent for Homeland Real Estate. He remained with that company until 2013 when he moved to Home Resource Realty in Laurel, Maryland.
Then, in 2017, Charles learned that the unique educational program that his kids were attending in Maryland was phasing out.
“My wife is from the bay area and went to high school in Oxnard, so we had always planned on moving to Ventura County for retirement,” Charles said. “When we learned that a similar education program existed in Ventura for our kids, we moved up our plans by a few years.”
Charles spent the past year working through all of California’s real estate and brokerage licensing processes in anticipation of joining a large brokerage. However, earlier this year, his mentor and former broker in Maryland called and told Charles he needed to look into a fantastic company he heard about called NextHome.
“There are little things that larger brokerages do that I’ve always questioned,” Charles said. “NextHome recognizes those pain-points that need innovation in the real estate industry, and they do things differently. From there, it was a no-brainer. I placed a call and that was it.”
Charles is now providing Ventura homebuyers with an option they might not get with other agents – a real estate team that is willing to help anyone, including the complete novice.
“I don’t mind helping others get ready for smart home buying,” Charles said. “The biggest part of the American dream is owning your own home. It’s a great achievement for many and an opportunity to leave a legacy for their kids. I want to serve everyone. The Fair Housing Act says that, but I truly live by that. I want to be able to help others who want that – not just as a one-touch thing.”
That continued relationship through all phases of homeownership is important to Charles, and NextHome’s CRM system gave him the tools he needs to maintain those relationships.
“I’m that guy who is totally inclusive and I want to be with you from start to finish,” Charles said. “I don’t want to be that touch and go person and NextHome gives me the tools to accomplish that goal.”
Outside of work, Charles is a self-proclaimed homebody who enjoys spending time with his family. He has been married to his wife Adria for 14 years and together they are the proud parents of five kids and a teacup Yorkie.
The family enjoys a weekly tradition of Friday pizza and movie nights as well as walks around the neighborhood with a playful group of kids on skateboards and strollers.
Please join us in congratulating Charles on the opening of NextHome Inclusive Realty in Ventura, California!
Interested in being a part of the NextHome Real Estate Franchise? Contact VP of Sales Charis Moreno at Charis@NextHome.com.
Each office is an independently owned and operated business.