We’re ending the week with a bang over here at NextHome as our very own Chief Strategy Officer, Keith Robinson, was featured in Forbes’ ‘Seven Signs Your Local Real Estate Marketing Is Starting To Heat Up.’ The story touches on how vital it is to understand what a real estate market is trending toward, as it better positions both buyers and sellers for negotiations.
In the article, Keith speaks on the importance of inventory size when evaluating the market, while others address overpriced properties, development pace and days on market.
In case you missed it, check out Keith’s quote below:
Inventory Size
“Inventory is the strongest local indicator, in my opinion. That, crunched against the number of properties going pending each week, will give you a clear idea if the supply side of the equation is headed down or up. And that is massively correlative to the market direction. Secondarily, I also look at local job creation numbers. That is the demand side of the equation and can also impact the market.”
At NextHome, we’re all about real estate made modern. Interested in learning more about how we’re heating up the real estate market and leaving a lasting impact on the industry and our communities? Visit our homepage or contact us here!