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Headshot of Sarah Jane Guinan

Sarah Jane Guinan

License Number: FA100067391

I am proud to serve Kerri Noonan-Inda as her licensed personal assistant and transaction coordinator. I have worked side-by-side with Kerri for 9 years now, and we have truly honed our greatest strengths to best serve the people who trust us with their real estate needs. We’ve been dear friends since 1996, and we’re blessed to serve Montrose in real estate. I absolutely love serving Kerri to facilitate documents and deadlines, and absolutely love to interact with our clients and help Kerri get them to the closing table. In my spare time I love singing, baking, paddle boarding and reading, spending time with my family and friends, and any opportunity to serve my community.


Clifton, Delta, Fruita, Grand Junction, Montrose, Ouray, Palisade and Ridgway

More about Sarah Jane...

What do you like to do when you’re not selling real estate?
Sarah Jane Guinan
What would be your superhero power?
Flying for sure
Sarah Jane Guinan
What is your favorite show?
Sarah Jane Guinan
Where did you attend college?
Ashford University
Sarah Jane Guinan

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