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Carolyn Fish
Carolyn has been licensed since 1981. She owned and operated Maine Getaways; a real estate agency specialized in waterfront properties until 1992 when she joined Realty Executives as a waterfront specialist, maintained top in sales, and earned the prestigious Chairman’s award. In 2003 Carolyn purchased a REMAX franchise and operated her own company until November, 2013 when it merged with Better Homes and Gardens/Masiello Group. Recently, she, with her team, joined Scott and Melissa Young to become the Young/Fish Team at Next Home Experience.
Carolyn has been to Europe twice to promote Maine real estate, has advised local, national, and international real estate investors, been a mentor and board member for the Women’s Business Development Corporation. She has her Senior Real Estate Specialist designation, and is a Consumer Certified Real Estate Consultant. In 2003 she was given the National Leadership Award and Honorary Chairman by the Business Advisory Council. Carolyn was named Realtor of the Year for 2008. She’s past Chair of Education for the Bangor Board of Realtors, Secretary, and 2007 President. She is a past board member of directors for the Maine Association of Realtors (MAR) and is a past member of a MAR Strategic planning committee. She customized the “unbundled” Seller’s Partnership program, the mentor sponsorship program for the incoming agents, and the Cabela Trophy properties program that her REMAX company participated in, and for whom she was a national guest speaker. Her customized innovation and marketing has helped better serve her customer/clients. She’s not afraid to embrace new ideas, or terminate the one’s that no longer work. Her philosophy and policy reflects her standards of practice based on professional integrity, honesty, education, and commitment to excellent service. Carolyn believes that her success will come only as a result of customer satisfaction. She is enthusiastic about team spirit and giving her team strong support and respect to preserve morale and harmony making "The Young/ Fish Team" an exceptional real estate group.